2024 Donation - Arizona Oral Cancer Walk at the Phoenix Zoo image

2024 Donation - Arizona Oral Cancer Walk at the Phoenix Zoo

All proceeds go towards the local Arizona community & its cancer-related initiatives

$0 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

The Arizona Oral Cancer Walk (AzOCW) was started by Dr. Terrence Yu and a group of dental students in 2008 as a way to address the need of oral cancer screenings. With the support of the AzDA Cares Foundation, the Arizona Academy of General Dentistry, and local dental and dental hygiene schools, the first event was held on Saturday, October 25, 2009. At that first event, 81 walkers participated and raised over $7,000 to go to local cancer-related initiatives that increase awareness about oral, head, and neck cancer. Last year, the number of walkers grew to over 550.

Today, the mission of the Arizona Oral Cancer Walk is to:

  • Serve the dental professional community of Arizona by increasing education about the risks for and prevention of oral, head, and neck cancer, as well as the importance of routine oral cancer screenings and biopsy indications.
  • Serve the greater public community of Arizona by raising awareness about the importance of early screening, detection, and treatment.
  • Serve individuals diagnosed with oral, head, or neck cancer as they navigate through life before, during, and after cancer treatment.